Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Time Goes Fast!
I have been traveling still (going to South Dakota a lot and even got back to North Dakota for a week).
Cole has been super busy with the traveling basketball. Practice, practice, practice with tourneys on the weekends. His schedule keeps him hopping for sure and fills all of our extra time. But it is fun to see him with a new group of friends and playing at a new level. He also has been taking electric guitar lessons since the start of the school year. He loves it! He is also getting good.
Kennedy has been continuing with her dance lessons and simply loves every minute of it. She loves getting dressed up and practicing for the Christmas pageant and the big Spring Concert. She is also very much in the Christmas spirit. She loves wrapping presents and making Christmas cards for everyone and anyone. She can't wait for her school days and excels there. Her reading is getting even better everyday. Her world is wide open now that she can decipher the new words all around her. She is so bright (I know I am biased).
Jake is our sweet little boy. He is still our little thoughtful helper. If anyone sneezes in the house he is right there to make sure to tell them "bless you". Also if he sneezes and there is not an immediate "bless you" he is sure to let you know. He is so very helpful. He is arguably one of the best laundry folders in the house. He folds the towels perfectly and helps to sort the laundry. It is amazing how accurate he is. He is always willing and eager to help with any chore. His cheery disposition and sweet, gentle heart is the most wonderful part of Jake. Other than "forcing" him to do the hard work at home, he loves to color, draw and practice his letters (can you tell he hangs around Kennedy the teacher). He also loves sports. All sports. He shoots basketball on his hoop in the playroom and has gotten to be quite the shooter. Some times he will take off his shirt and play hoops. On Sundays I will ask him what day is it and he replies "Game day!" He will sit with me and watch the Titans play (usually for a quarter or so before he needs to go get a football, or go shoot hoops). It is fun to see him turn into his own little man. On the days that I am fortunate to be home (Kennedy and Cole are at school) Jake and I just hang out and spend time together. It is so nice for him to have that time with me alone and for him to show his own personality.
De has been SUPER busy. With all the busy hustle and bustle of our family schedule and me not being home every week she often carries the load. Fortunately she is the most organized person I know. I do feel fortunate for the times I am able to be home to help out and give her a break. I am looking forward to Christmas week (I was able to take off work).
I will try to update this blog and tell you more about Coles last tourney and post some pictures. I will also update about Kennedy's Christmas pageant with pictures. So check back or follow this blog by clicking on the subscribe/follow button.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Power of Prayer
I pulled the meat out of the stock pot and strained the broth (twice). I then pulled the pork off the bone and set aside for supper. De was going to mix with some barbeque sauce and make some barbeque pork sandwiches. While she was preparing the BBQ pork I started to mix up the ground pork for the wontons. So I slipped off my rings and placed them on the counter. It was pretty chaotic as I tried to finish the soup and De was feeding the kids. We finally finished supper and everyone started to clean up the kitchen. We loaded the dishwasher, washed the counters and I grabbed the heaping garbage bag and took it out to the garage. Finally everything was clean again.
As I reached to grab my rings to put them back on I only found my wedding ring. The other ring (a ring that De had bought me when we were dating when I was 19) was not next to my wedding ring. I asked De if she saw it laying around. She hadn't. I then asked the kids if they knew where Daddy's ring was and they also had no idea. So the hunt was on!
I started looking on all over the floor while De looked all over the countertops. The kids helped looking around. We looked in the sinks, on the rug, under the rug, in the dishwasher, everywhere! Nothing. I then thought maybe it accidentally got knocked into the garbage. The heaping full bag of trash that I just took out to the street. I brought it back into the house and started to take every single item out of the slimey trash bag and put it into a new trash bag. I sifted through coffee grinds, pork bones, wrappers, vegetable scraps and all the other usual trash can occupants. Nothing. We were bewildered. We continued to look for another hour with no success.
I started to get nervous and my heart sank. I was resigned to the fact that it was gone. I had no idea how it went missing or where it went. It wasnt an expensive ring but De had given me that ring nearly 20 years ago. I just felt a sadness.
It was now time for the kids to go to bed and I took Jake upstairs to read his bedtime story and De came up and reminded me to pray to St Anthony. As I was growing up, my Mom wo

A week passed and my brother Darrin was visiting during a business trip. I usually try to make a special supper for him when he visits. I made baby back ribs, baked pototoes and tossed salad. We ate supper really fast and had to run because I had to help with Cole's basketball practice. I apologized to De about just eating and leaving the mess to clean up. Darrin decided to tag along to the practice to watch Cole's practice.
After a long practice we got home and decided to watch a little TV. I went up to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and when I was reaching to grab a glass I noticed my ring sitting on the back legde of the the backsplash. I exclaimed "De I found my ring!" She laughed and said "Are you kidding?" I reassured her that I wasnt kidding. She asked me again if I was kidding and looked at me suspiciously. I again told her no and showed her the ring. She thought that I had already found the ring and was playing a joke on her. I told her that this was the first time that I have seen the ring since I the day I lost it. She then told me that when we left for basketball practice she was putting everything away and when she grabbed the BBQ sauce and was trying to snap the cover back on it did not close. Upon closer inspection she saw my ring sitting on top of the lid covered in BBQ sauce! How the heck did the ring ever get there? How lucky is it that De actually saw it on the cover after over a week? Once again St Anthony came through and our prayer had been answered.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Basketball Weekend
The first game was against Irondale. The boys started out a bit slow but moved the ball well and played excellent defense. It didn't take long and we pulled away from them and got by with a fairly convincing victory. Cole had a great game. He played super defense and helped lead the offense at point guard. He has been switching from point guard to wing depending on which other players are in the game. He's been one of the more versatile players on the team in the fact that he can play so many positions and knows the responsibilities of each spot.
The boys had to wait around for more than hour before the next game. They seemed to have fun sitting around visiting, eating and watching some other games.
The second game was against St. Michael which had also won their first game by a large margin. Our boys came out a bit flat again and the game was neck and neck all through the first quarter. But midway through the second quarter we started to break down and got down by 14 points at the half.
At half time the coach talked to them and we all tried to give them the don't quit, you can do it speech. It worked! They came out blazing and determined. They shut down the opposition and tied the game up in the middle of the third quarter. It again was a tight contest and by the start of the fourth quarter we were down one basket. Cole had been playing his heart out. He had been in the game the entire time. A couple of our main players got into foul trouble and had to sit a majority of the second and third quarters. By the time the fourth quarter was in progress you could tell he was bushed. But he kept on fighting and doing his best. The game went back and forth for most of the fourth quarter until St Michaels gained a small four point lead with only a minute and a half left. Our kids would not give up. They battled and fought to cut the lead to two with only 30 ticks on the clock. After a near steal and a subsequent "foul" St. Michaels was at the line with only 19 seconds left. This last foul was on our point guard and lead scorer and it was his fifth and final foul. The St M's player knocked down the first shot then misfired on the second. One of our Ranger players snagged the board and got the outlet to a guard who dribbled past half court when Coach called a quick time out with only 10 seconds left. We could all see them devising a play and hoped it would be enough to send the game into overtime. I could see the Coach talking and pointing to Cole and I had a feeling with our other point guard out of the game that Cole was the one who was going to take the last shot, a 3 pointer. (Gulp!) Once the huddle broke our players lined up in formation and I saw the pick forming for Cole to get open but it was supposed to leave him open on the top. Someone jumped the pick and Cole had to pop out on the wing. He got the ball and turned, squared and fired. The ball arced smoothly through the air and was descending directly towards th
Our Ranger team made a courageous comeback and nearly put the game into overtime. So the next game up will be for 3rd place on Sunday.
Well Sunday came and the team was pumped to try to get some more hardware. We arrived at the gym and the kids started to stretch out. We were matched up against the home team, Coon Rapids. The game started and soon after we knew it was going to be a long game. The refs were very quick on the whistle and took the aggressiveness right out of our players. Within a few minutes our Coach was hit with a technical foul. It was a shocking call. The ref had seems very aggressive in his calls and this T just punctuated that fact. The team did the best they could to keep up but many of our players got into early foul trouble. They also had a lot of trouble with the press. Coon Rapids played a zone press (which our kids had not seen before). By the end of the first half, Coon Rapids had an 11 point lead.
A quick pep talk and drink of water and the kids were ready to go. Unfortunately so were the refs. The second half the Rangers handled the press much better and cut into the lead for a while but the continued imbalance of calls against us put us back into a hole. By the end of the game, two players had fouled out and a couple had four. The kids only lost by 12 points (meaning they only lost the second half by one point which is awesome considering the amount of freethrows Coon Rapids was shooting). The total fouls for each team was 27 to 7! Nearly a 4:1 ratio! That is ridiculous. It was a very obvious bias, the Rangers would get called on a touch foul or a reach in and then on the other end we would get mauled and lose the ball with no call. It was very frustrating for everyone, especially the kids.
All the parents and Coaches were very proud of the kids and how they held their composure. They learned that they must overcome obstacles like that sometimes and that they have no control over the refs. We tried to stress that they can only control their actions and attitude.
Hopefully they will continue to improve and get a tournament championship soon.
Kiddy Survey Part Two
Question:What are your favorite foods?
Jacob: Pizza, Peas, Orange Noodles (Mac and Cheese), Brownies, PBJ, and Cookies
Question:What are your favorite drinks?
Jacob: Hot chocolate milk (in the morning), flavored water, and apple juice
Question: What are your favorite shows?
Jacob:Go Diego Go, Max and Ruby, Wow Wow Wubzy, and Hannah Montana
Question: What are your favorite carb free snacks?
Jacob: Cucumbers with Ranch dressing
Question: What are your favorite games?
Jacob: Tic Tac Toe game, Elefun (catching butterflies out of an elephants trunk), Scooby Doo matching, and Diego matching
Question: What are some foods you don't like?
Jacob: Celery and the seed on the banana (the end piece by the stem)
Question: What are you afraid of?
Jacob: Monsters, Ghosts, Pickle people, the Dark, and Storms
Question: What are your favorite bedtime books/stories?
Jacob: Dora the Explorer books
Question: What are some of your favorite bedtime snuggly things?
Jacob: Barney, Comfy (blanket), Silky (blanket), and little white pillow
Question: What are your favorite sports?
Jacob: Basketball, Soccer, Football, and Hockey ("but I never played it before")
Question: What are your favorite colors?
Jacob: Blue
Question: Who are your favorite babysitters?
Jacob: Jill ("because she's nice") and Auntie ("Anna's Mom")
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Cole?
Jacob: Play racing games and play basketball
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Mom?
Jacob: Hug Mom, Kiss Mom, Help cook, and go to playground
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Dad?
Jacob: Go to the park, Play basketball and football, Go fishing, Wrestle, and Go treasure hunting (geocaching)
Question: What do you want for Christmas?
Jacob: Racecar with remote control
Question: What do you thank God for?
Jacob: Daddy, Mommy, Kenny, Coley and Myself
Jacob was then asked to draw a picture of himself.

Kiddy Survey Part One
Question:What are your favorite foods?
Kennedy: Cheese Pizza, Dessert Pizza, breadsticks, Brownies, PBJ, Yogurt drinks and Cookies
Question:What are your favorite drinks?
Kennedy: Hot chocolate milk (with marshmallows), Grape juice, Strawberry flavored water, apple juice, and orange soda (had once at school Halloween party)
Question: What are your favorite shows?
Kennedy: Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and Camp Rock
Question: What are your favorite carb free snacks?
Kennedy: Cheese stick, Cucumbers with Ranch dressing, and Peanut Butter
Question: What are your favorite games?
Kennedy: Kerplunk, Elefun (catching butterflies out of an elephants trunk), Scooby Doo matching, and Princess matching
Question: What are some foods you don't like?
Kennedy: Peas, Celery, Green beans, and the seed on the banana (the end piece by the stem)
Question: What are you afraid of?
Kennedy: Monsters, Ghosts, Pickle people, the Dark, and Storms
Question: What are your favorite bedtime books/stories?
Kennedy: Hannah Montana magazine, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella
Question: What are some of your favorite bedtime snuggly things?
Kennedy: Kitty, Barney, Berry Bear, Ganelli (stuffed gorilla), and Bear blanket (tied fleace)
Question: What are your favorite sports?
Kennedy: Soccer, Basketball, Dance, and Gymnastics
Question: What are your favorite colors?
Kennedy: Pink, Purple, Magenta, Turquoise, and Red
Question: Who are your favorite babysitters?
Kennedy: Jill and Auntie
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Cole?
Kennedy: Listen to music (especially the Jonas Brothers)
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Mom?
Kennedy: Go to the playground, Go to the beach, Play fashion show, watch TV, and have Mommy lay with me at bed
Question: What are your favorite things to do with Dad?
Kennedy: Go camping in the tent, Wrestle, Go treasure hunting (geocaching), and Play football
Question: What do you want for Christmas?
Kennedy: Guitar, High School Musical Make Up Set, and Hannah Montana Guitar Hero
Question: What do you thank God for?
Kennedy: Coley, Mom, Jakey, Daddy, Myself, God, Jesus and a warm house
Kennedy was then asked to draw a picture of herself.

Monday, November 17, 2008
World Diabetes Day

November 14, 2008 was World Diabetes Day. I am writing this just to ask people to remember the struggles that all people with diabetes live with on a day to day basis. I am especially referring to people who have Type I Diabetes. Most of you know about diabetes because of Kennedy's diagnosis last summer at age four. We have lived with diabetes for almost a year and a half. It's something that you live with 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You never get a break from it and you never stop thinking about it because your life revolves around it.
Having Type I Diabetes means that the part of Kennedy's pancreas that makes insulin does not work. This is the difference between Type I and Type II Diabetes. Kennedy makes no insulin at all which all people need to stay alive. Some people ask us if she will outgrow diabetes which is unfortunately not possible. She does not make insulin, and she never will. Also, no amount of exercise or diet restrictions will ever change the fact that she needs multiple insulin injections every day in order to stay alive. No one knows why a person gets Type I Diabetes. There is no cure. Insulin is not a cure. It is a means to stay alive.
We are grateful to have an insulin pump for Kennedy so she is able to receive insulin through a tiny miniature tube that is inserted under her skin. Instead of receiving about six shots per day which is the amount she averaged before using the insulin pump, we now insert a small needle attached with a tube under her skin every other day. Thanks to technology, she only endures one significant poke (insertion of the tube) every other day. The insulin is then administered through the tube with no pain. She receives insulin every hour on the hour in addition to all mealtimes and snack times. She receives about 30 different insulin doses through her pump every single day.
Kennedy still endures an average of eight finger pokes every day to check her blood sugar (sometimes more if her blood sugar is too high or too low). Rob and I continue to set our alarm every single night to check Kennedy's blood sugar during the middle of the night (1-2 times each night). If her blood sugar would drop too low during the night, it could result in brain damage, coma or death. Too high of a blood sugar is also dangerous and causes horrible, devastating complications such as kidney failure and blindness. Since Kennedy was diagnosed, I have not slept through the night in nearly a year and a half. A good night's rest is appealing, but the risk of not checking Kennedy's blood sugar level is too great.
Our family will be participating in the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) Walk-to-Cure Diabetes event on
This email is a reminder of World Diabetes Day and a request to ask for help in supporting research to find a cure for diabetes. If you are able to donate to Kennedy's Team we would be deeply grateful and so appreciative. You can donate on-line or mail us a check written out to JDRF which we will present at the walk event in January. To learn more information or to donate on-line please go to Kennedy's Fundraising page at the following link:

Thank you,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Relaxing Weekend

While I was away we received delivery of Kennedy's new bed. She needed a little bit bigger bed and also got some needed storage under it. In turn Jake got Kennedy's "Big Boy" bed. This was the deal since he started wearing big boy underwear (its been a while now but we had to wait for delivery). I got home late on Friday but the kids were so excited to show me their new bedrooms (beds, bedding, etc) that they waited up with anticipation. It was really cute to see their faces as they showed off their rooms. I had to wait in the hallway with DeAnn (who worked tirelessly moving all the furniture around and clearing out the little kid clutter) until the grand reveal. With eyes closed and a tiny hand held escort I entered each room. Squeals of delight, excitement and pride filled the rooms. They were so proud! Each one had taken an active role in reinventing their room.
Kennedy's room has the Hannah Montana motiffe replacing the Disney princesses. She has a beautiful white bed with matching desk. The desk has already seen so much use. She loves to sit at her new, organized desk and draw pictures. She is quite the artist. The room is also accented with lots of pink accessories. She truley enjoys her new room and takes care to make her bed and have everything in its place (so far).

We spent Saturday morning getting our Christmas pictures done. The kids were great. It is amazing how much easier it is when the kids get a little older. De set it all up and picked out some really cute clothes for the kids. Of course, Mom and Dad just had to blend in. After getting back home and changing we decided to run out to look at toys in order to get ideas for the kid's Christmas gift. I convinced everyone to go to the new Fleet Farm, this way I could check out the fishing gear also. We spend an hour there and the kids had a good time. They had a better toy selection than I thought. Afterward we went to a few more stores then grabbed a bite to eat at Applebees. It was very enjoyable to just spend time together as a family. By the time we finished eating I thought everyone would be exhausted but they all decided to go to Michaels (Kennedy's eyes about popped out of her head when she saw all the markers, paints, paper, crafts, etc!). Cole did a pretty good job of tagging along. This really wasn't up his alley and he kept lobbying for us to make the trip over to Guitar Center so he could drool over the electric guitars. But the time just slipped away from us and it was getting late. We headed home and got everyone ready for bed. We were all exhausted.
Sunday came and it was time to catch up on house work and rest. We spent the day watching some football (mostly me) and catching up on chores before the busy week started again. De and I stayed busy most of the day while the kids played together. Cole went to a new friends house for the day.
Even though we spend most of Saturday running around the work/rest of Sunday helped make the weekend very enjoyable.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Restaurant Review: Milbank Family Restaurant
I arrived on a cold windy night for supper. As I entered I noticed that most of the clientele were elderly people. I waited for the hostess to seat me and she did without a long wait. The young waitress was not far behind with a glass of water. She politely asked if I wanted anything to drink. I decided to stick with water. I looked over the menu offerings while soaking in the atmosphere in the restaurant. Typical small town family restaurant/cafe. The waitresses were shuffling around to their tables making sure everyone was attended to. The menu had a big variety of choices from breakfast meals, burgers, sandwiches, to full entrees. The big white board at the front of the restaurant listed the specials and the soups for the day. They also had a list of desserts and pies (? homemade). Tired of the same old fair, I decided to order a breakfast meal, a couple of fried eggs, hash browns, sausage, and pancakes.
I waited for my meal to be prepared and observed the establishment. It was fairly busy but by no means a full house. It appeared that they were pretty organized and efficient. The waitress and host were very friendly but not overly chatty.
My meal arrived in short time and looked great. I enjoyed the meal a lot. Everything was cooked correctly and hot. My only picky complaint was that the pancakes seemed too "buttery". I don't know if they cooked the pancakes on a flattop with some butter but it seemed too much.
The waitress checked back a few times and topped off my water. She did a nice job of being there just in case but not hovering. I finished and ordered a slice of apple pie to go. Once she brought me the pie and my bill I brought it to the cashier and paid. It was nice that the cashier asked how my meal tasted. You don't seem to hear that anymore. They just take your money and your done. They don't want to hear or risk hearing anything bad. I had no complaints.
Later that evening I dove into the apple pie with whipped cream on it. It was okay, not great like I expected. I am curious if it is homemade or a frozen pie. The crust reminded me of the frozen pies that you can buy in the grocery store and bake.
Overall I enjoyed my meal at the Milbank Family Restaurant. The meal was good and the service was excellent. The only downer was the pie. I found it a good value for the food I received. I look forward to going back to try an entree, sandwich or burger.
Here are my grades.
Food Quality-------------3.5 out of 5
The food quality was good. The only issue was the pie didn't taste homemade (but I am not sure if it was advertised as that).
Service Quality----------4 out of 5
The staff was friendly and courteous. They were attentive but not smothering.
Value--------------------3 out of 5
The price for the food is a good value.
Overall------------------ 3.5 out of 5
The Milbank Family Restaurant is a family style restaurant that offers a variety of menu items. Based on my experience, I enjoyed my meal there. It was a quiet relaxing meal with good food and prompt service. I would recommend this restaurant for a good breakfast meal.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Restaurant Review: Milbank Pizza Ranch
For those who have never been to a Pizza Ranch (P.R.) before it is a pizza buffet. They also have a salad bar and other hot items such as fried chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetable, etc.
As I walked in the place was fairly busy and the bustling of P.R. workers was encouraging. After paying I found a nice table by the window. I grabbed a soda and approached the salad bar. The salad bar did not host a large variety of items but the items available were well stocked and looked fresh.
I then looked over the offerings at the hot buffet (Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, home fries, and corn to name a few). There was also obviously pizza available. They had many varieties of pizza available and were bringing more out every so often.
I was impressed by the workers in the facility. Even though they were young (high school age) they all seemed to stay on task and do their job. Some were in the back preparing food for the buffet or take out while others were clearing plates from tables.
The food tasted pretty good. The pizza was excellent especially some of their own concoctions (taco, cheeseburger and cowboy pizza to name a few). In addition the fried chicken (I think it may be broasted) is excellent. Particulary if you get a piece right after it is done cooking and just put out on the hot table.
Overall, I enjoyed eating at the Pizza Ranch. They had good food at a reasonable price. The staff was helpful and courteous. They offered a reasonably good selection.
Here are my grades.
Food Quality-------------3 out of 5
The food quality was good. Not "oh my god this is the best I ever had" good but satisfying. Desent selection.
Service Quality----------3 out of 5
The staff was friendly and courteous. They were attentive to help clearing empty plates from tables and keeping the buffet stocked.
Value--------------------3 out of 5
The price for the food is a good value.
Overall------------------ 3 out of 5
The Pizza Ranch is not a full service restaurant but it does offer friendly courteous staff. It is a good value for the food it offers. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to grab a good slice of pizza.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Restaurant Review: Milbank Pizza Hut
I will be giving my two cents worth on the various restaurants (both franchise and local) that I visit. Keep in mind that this is only my own opinion and based on my personal experiences.
When I arrive in a new town I usually scope out the dining choices and choose a franchise as my first experience. Only after visiting with the residents will I venture out to some of the locally owned restaurants. This way I can weed out some of the obvious "stinkers". I have been spending a lot of time in Milbank,SD in the last few months and have visited pretty much all of the dining choices offered in town.
One of the first places I stopped and ate was the local Pizza Hut. I went there three times (actually two times, I will explain later).
On my first visit, as I walked in I noticed two of the staff outside in the front parking lot. They were fiddling around a car. I entered into a fairly empty restaurant. Usually not a good sign but I was already there. I waited to be seated and noticed that there was more staff "working" than customers. Most of the staff were young with only one staff member who appeared to not be in high school. Most of the staff ignored me and went on their with the joking and goofing around. The elder staff member brought me to my table and asked if I wanted anything to drink. I order a beer and a glass of water. As she left I again looked around and noticed the other staff in the food prep area talking quite loudly about social events, boyfriends, etc. (I know I shouldn't be listening but it was SO quiet there and they were SO loud). As the socializing went on amongst the younger staff the older staff member (I assume she was the manager on duty) was busy making pizzas and answering the phone. I turned my attention to the menu and thought about ordering a P'Zone (basically a calzone). Pizza Hut had been advertising them on TV quite a bit and I didn't feel like ordering a whole pizza for just me. I searched the menu for the P'Zone and didn't see them. I noticed that the younger staff members were wearing shirts that sported "P'Zone" on it so I thought that they must have them on the menu. I waited for about 10 minutes or so with my menu closed and no drinks. Then finally a young short haired blond waitress meanders over with a glass of water and my beer. She doesn't say a word and pulls a pad out and just looks at me. No smile. No words. Nothing. Blankness. I ask if they have the P'Zones on the menu. She replies "Yes". That it.Wow one word! Okay so I ask her what kind they have and she mumbles out the types and just looks at me. I order one and she scribbles it down and shuffles away. Alright don't get me wrong, I don't want to engage in lengthy discussion with every waiter/waitress but the basic formalities would be nice. "How are you?", "Would you like anything else?" or even "Thank you". But I was lucky to get ten words out of her and that was only because I asked her a direct question about the menu.
So as I waited for my food to arrive I sat back and watched everything unfold. The manager prepared the food. The other staff sat back and visited and occasionally would scoot over the food prep area and snag some food to pop in their mouth. The manager also ran the cash register and answered the phone. I sat there and wondered why they were paying all this staff to stand around and goof off as only one person was working? About 10 minutes had passed and the young short haired blond brought my food out and dropped it off and without a word immediately left. The food was hot and tasted good. It was about what you would expect at any Pizza Hut anywhere. After eating I sat and waited for my bill. Nothing. Still socializing in a little group behind the cash register the young staff was oblivious to the customers (the few that were in there). So I walked up to the cash register to the manager and told I didn't have my bill yet. She looked around and presented me with a total to which I paid. She didn't inquire if the food was satisfactory or about the service. I paid my bill and left.
My overall experience that night determined that I would not go there again. I know, I said earlier that I went there three times. I did go back for a lunch buffet with some of the locals (not my idea). That experience was about the same result. No one really waiting on us. The pizza buffet was dreadfully empty. The pastas were almost empty and dry, there was maybe 4 slices of pizza which looked like they were on there from the night before and the salad portion was...lets say "not fresh". We had a little of this and that and then had to go and search for a bill. This lunch experience was confirmation that the earlier evening experience was no fluke. Alright so now for the explanation on the third "attempt". It was a cold rainy Monday night and the Monday Night Football game sported my team (Tennessee Titans vs Indianapolis Colts) so I wanted to have some buffalo wings and maybe some bread sticks while I watch the game. I was desperate. I called over to Pizza Hut to have it delivered. The young lady answering the phone informed me they were delivering tonight. What!? Isn't home delivery one of Pizza Huts biggest marketing tools. The saddest part about it was the fact that I was staying right across the street. I know I guess I could have ordered it then went and picked it up. But the only reason I was willing to try them one more time was the fact that on this rainy cold Monday Night Football night I didn't want to go out, I wanted it delivered. Needless to say I did not order from them. I got in my car and went elsewhere and picked up some food to bring back. Three strikes and you are out!
Here are my grades.
Food Quality-------------2 out of 5
Although the food was not horrible it was not excellent or fresh. I would expect to find equal or better quality at any Pizza Hut.
Service Quality----------0.5 out of 5
Not the friendliest or welcoming staff I have ever seen. Needs huge improvement or direction from management.
Value--------------------2 out of 5
The price for the food is pretty average for what you get.
Overall------------------ 1.5 out of 5
The severe lack in quality of service really makes coming to this restaurant a bad experience. So unless you are really craving "Pizza Hut" pizza and don't care if you have bad service (or any service at all) then I would suggest not eating there.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fun Weekend
It all started on Friday with a gorgeous Halloween evening for the little ones to Trick or Treat. In fact, it was so nice that I wore shorts and a sweatshirt while the kids didn't even need coats. They just wore their costumes. Kennedy was Hannah Montana and Jake was a football player (Tennessee Titans of course!) Cole was unable to go out with us this year because he had basketball practice for his traveling team. It was important for him to not miss the practice since his team was playing in a tournament the next day and Sunday.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Trying Something New
During this short period of time I have been to quite a few places that I can honestly say I would never have traveled. I don't have the luxury of traveling to large cities or even large towns, most of the places I travel to are small Midwest towns and I mainly drive to the areas I work. I have met many wonderful people and some very "interesting" people.
Recently I visited with a friend about the new changes in my job and shared some stories about the places and people I've met. After that I thought it would be fun to put them down in a blog or journal.
So again I am trying something new by writing down some interesting and sometimes not so interesting events that occur week to week.